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Discover your travel personality with this new quiz

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If you're all about immersing yourself in the local culture, then you're definitely a 'Culture Vulture'. But if your holiday itinerary is dictated by your favourite influencer, then you're probably a 'Cultural Influencee'. Take our quiz to find out which one you are.

This comes as research from ibis hotels gives us a broader insight into the nation's travel habits, with one in five Gen Z's only booking a holiday destination they've seen on social media.

A survey of 2,000 people who have travelled abroad in the last three years found that three in 10 young adults draw inspiration from Instagram for their travels.

Almost a fifth (19%) also turn to TikTok, while 21% use YouTube, and one in 10 will trust an influencer's opinion. However, across all age groups, friends and family (44%) remain the top choice for travel inspiration. While 28% will choose a destination based on their personal interests and hobbies.

A spokesperson for ibis hotels, which has unveiled these travel intent insights as part of its new campaign, Go get it, for Global Tourism Day, said: "The world around us is constantly evolving and modernising, technology, social media, AI, it all impacts the way we engage with people and places, but the fundamentals of travel have remained the same."

"After 50 years of welcoming millions of guests a year, we understand that there are millions of reasons to travel and, fundamentally, they are all about making their mark on the world and having the world make its mark on us."

Take the quiz to find out what sort of traveller you are!

The study revealed that when it comes down to travelling, a significant 53% believe that the experience outweighs 'just ticking somewhere off the list'.

Moreover, over half of those surveyed (52%) say that trying new things is crucial for them, including indulging in local cuisines (52%), as well as local cultures and traditions (52%). Importantly, 21% feel that establishing a sense of belonging in their chosen travel destination is essential.

When selecting where to go, finances are the main concern, with cost (52%) being the top deciding factor, while the environment (43%) and food options (25%) also play a significant role.

A third consider the weather pivotal in selecting a destination, which is particularly true for British travellers 42% admit that the weather can sway their choice of getaway location.

Data from OnePoll shows that beach holidays top the charts as the preferred type of holiday experience (43%), with 39% planning such holidays for 2025.

Meanwhile, city breaks are also on the agenda for 42%, with London, Amsterdam, and New York featuring as the most coveted urban destinations within the next three years.

Interestingly, 27% are looking to travel more in 2025 than in 2024, though 24% who harbour this ambition are concerned about their financial ability to realise it.

An ibis spokesperson said: "While the future of travel remains consistent, people's intent to get away is likely always going to change. We are passionate about assisting for the different travel intentions and elevating convenience for the traveller."

"It's important that people get exactly what they come for and get the most out of their experience."

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