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Revolting moment sewage pipe explodes and showers motorists with human poo

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If you thought your commute was bad, spare a thought for these motorists whose journey was - quite literally - a s*** show.

Pedestrians and cars were soaked in human excrement after a sewage pipe exploded near a motorway in China where road works were being undertaken. The pipe ruptured just yards from the road in Nanning on Tuesday morning at around 11am, showering anyone and everyone nearby in a cascade of orange brown waste.

The horror show was all caught on CCTV, with footage showing a geyser of human waste thundering more than 33ft (10 meters) into the air. Meanwhile dashcam footage shows globules of poo raining down on motorists' windscreens.

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Unsuspecting pedestrians were also splattered from head to toe with human waste as they strolled along the avenue. One driver reportedly complained: “I’m drenched in poo, my car is splattered yellow. It’s ruined.”

The blast was so powerful that a digger was flipped at the roadworks site. Thankfully, with the exception of peoples' dignities, nobody was seriously hurt in the explosion.


Several vehicles however sustained damage, as reported by What's The Jam. The rupture reportedly happened as a pressure test was being conducted during the laying of the sewage pipes.

Officials were dispatched to the scene to carry out a large clean-up operation after the blast. The local authorities are reportedly investigating its causes to prevent similar incidents in the future. One local said: “You can almost smell this video.”

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