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Bangalore Mahalakhsmi Case: The murderer was caught on CCTV running away after chopping the body into pieces, Bengaluru Police solved the Mahalakshmi Murder Case

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Bangalore Mahalakhsmi Case: When the pieces recovered from Mahalakshmi's room and fridge were counted in the morgue, it was discovered that the murderer had cut Mahalakshmi into not 30 to 40 pieces but 59 pieces. Yes, 59 pieces. Even the morgue staff were shocked to see so many pieces of a human being. A body cut into so many pieces had never come to Bangalore's hospital before.

Bengaluru: On 21 September, the dismembered body of 29-year-old Mahalakshmi was brought to Bangalore's Bowring Hospital for post-mortem. When the pieces recovered from Mahalakshmi's room and fridge were counted in the morgue, it was found that the murderer had cut Mahalakshmi not into 30 to 40 pieces but into 59 pieces. Yes, 59 pieces. Even the morgue staff were shocked to see so many pieces of a human being. A Bengaluru hospital had never seen a body dismembered into so many pieces before.

The murderer wanted to carry the pieces of the body in a bag

Mahalakshmi used to live on the first floor of a three-storey house in Vyalikaval area of Bengaluru. On September 21, the fridge and pieces of her body were found scattered in Mahalakshmi's room. It is suspected that Mahalakshmi was murdered about 19 days ago. During the investigation, the police also found a trolley bag kept in Mahalakshmi's room. According to Bengaluru police sources, it is very possible that the murderer had conspired to put the body parts in this bag and dispose them off somewhere else. But since this area is very crowded, he probably did not get a chance to dispose of the body parts. After investigating the room, police sources also believe that the murder took place in this room and the body parts were cut into pieces here. Because just as it was not easy to take the body parts out of the room in a bag, it was also not possible to bring the body from outside to the room. After inspecting the crime scene, the police also said that after the murder and dismemberment of the body, an attempt was made to clean the room and the bathroom. After the postmortem, the dismembered body was handed over to Mahalakshmi's family. After which her last rites were performed in Bengaluru itself.

Police got clue of the murderer

Now the biggest question is who is Mahalakshmi's murderer and what is the reason behind the murder? So if Bangalore police sources are to be believed, they have found Mahalakshmi's murderer. Not only this, the sources also claim that the family of the murderer they are looking for also lives in Mumbai. Bangalore police has also reached one of the brothers of the same murderer. The murderer's brother told the police that after Mahalakshmi's murder, his brother himself had told him that he had killed Mahalakshmi. Apart from the testimony of the murderer's brother, Bangalore police has also got very important evidence and clues about the murderer from CCTV cameras. In the Vyalikaval area where Mahalakshmi used to live, CCTV cameras were installed at some places on the roads leading to and from her house. The murderer was also captured in those cameras. Bangalore Police Commissioner himself told that the police has identified the murderer and police teams have been sent to many parts of the country to catch him.

Police have kept the murderer's name a secret

According to the information received by Crime Tak, the murderer who is being searched by Bangalore Police is also a hair dresser. He was also close to Mahalakshmi. This hair dresser is a resident of West Bengal. After Mahalakshmi's murder, he is currently hiding somewhere in West Bengal via Bhubaneswar. Crime Tak also has the name of the murderer, but we are not revealing that name so that the murderer does not get alerted.

Police gave clean chit to Hemant and Ashraf

After Mahalakshmi's murder, her husband Hemant Das had initially expressed the suspicion that another friend of his, Ashraf, could be involved in this murder. Ashraf is also a hairdresser and hails from Uttarakhand. According to sources, Ashraf was also close to Mahalakshmi. Hemant Das even accused Ashraf that there was an affair between Ashraf and Mahalakshmi and due to that affair, he and Mahalakshmi separated 9 months ago. After Hemant's complaint, the police searched for Ashraf. Ashraf was in Bengaluru and was at his work. The police brought him to the police station for questioning. And questioned him for a long time. After his statement, his location in the last 20 days, call detail records and eyewitness testimony, the police released Ashraf after questioning. According to police sources, Ashraf has no connection with Mahalakshmi's murder. Rather, the real murderer is currently in Bengal.

The dead body was kept in the fridge for 19 days

Actually Mahalakshmi's family is from Nepal, but they have been living in Bengaluru for the last 35 years. Despite living in the same city, Mahalakshmi was not that close to her mother, sister or brother. After separating from her husband Hemant Das 9 months ago, Mahalakshmi was living alone in a rented house instead of living with her mother or sister. The police were also surprised that Mahalakshmi had last met her family on 19 August on the occasion of Rakhi. Mahalakshmi's mobile was also switched off since 2 September. But despite this, for the next 19 days i.e. till 21 September, the family members never tried to inquire about Mahalakshmi. It was only on 21 September when there was a complaint of foul smell coming from Mahalakshmi's room, that the landlord called Mahalakshmi's mother, after which the truth about Mahalakshmi's room and fridge came out of the house. Even the Home Minister of Karnataka has said that Mahalakshmi's murderer has been identified. The reason for the murder and the rest of the truth will be revealed only after his arrest. Meanwhile, the fridge recovered from the room has also been sent to the forensic lab for investigation.

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