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Monkeypox: How dangerous is monkeypox infection for children and women, how to prevent it? Doctor gave information

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Many countries of the world have been facing monkeypox (Mpox) infections for the last few months. This virus, which has been causing outbreaks for years mainly in African countries like Ghana-Congo, is now seen increasing in Asian countries including US-UK. In India too, an infected person was confirmed last week, and his condition is stable. Given the risks of this infectious disease, health experts advise all people to continue taking preventive measures.

The Union Health Ministry has clarified in an advisory that there is no sign of any widespread risk to other people from monkeypox in the country, so do not be afraid or panic. All people just need to be careful about the prevention of infection.

Study reports show that gay and bisexual people are being seen as the most vulnerable to monkeypox infection. The risk is higher in those aged 18-44, in this too men are falling prey more. In such a situation, the question arises whether women and children can also fall prey to it. Let us understand how dangerous is the condition of infection in them.

Risk of monkeypox infection in women
The World Health Organization (WHO) said in a report, that globally available data shows that 96.4% of cases are in men, with an average age of 34 years. The distribution of cases by age and sex has remained stable over time. Women may also be at risk, but such cases are less. A study published in the World Journal of Emergency Medicine in the year 2023 found that 95.7% of monkeypox infection cases were seen in men and only 2.3% of cases were seen in women.

Experts say that women cannot be considered safe from infection, but cases have been reported in them. People with weak immune systems such as pregnant women, people taking immunosuppressive drugs, children, and the elderly need to keep taking special precautions against it.

A pregnant woman gave birth to a healthy baby.

Amidst these risks, a pregnant woman infected with the monkeypox virus also gave birth to a healthy baby during the infection spread in the US in July 2022. According to officials of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), both the baby and the mother were healthy. In another case during previous outbreaks, the infection was transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, although in this case, the child was safe from infection.

Based on global data on infection, the CDC has warned that pregnant women may be at serious risk from monkeypox, so such people should take special precautions.


How to prevent infection for pregnant women

Dr Manisha Ranjan, an obstetrician and gynecologist at a private hospital in Noida, says, pregnant women should take extra precautions against any type of infection. Considering the risks of infection in the country, definitely consult your doctor.

It is better to stay indoors in places where the infection of monkeypox is high. Close contact with persons who may have symptoms should be avoided. Use hand sanitizer frequently. Wearing an N95 mask in crowded areas can also help prevent many types of infectious diseases. Have the right information about monkeypox and keep trying to protect yourself from infection.

Risk of infection
Health experts say that apart from sexual contact, the virus can also spread through close contact with the infected and through body fluids. Avoid using items used by the infected person such as clothes, sheets, towels, etc. Although the risk of infection is not high in the country, preventive measures are still necessary, especially for pregnant women and those with weak immunity.

If you get infected, consult a doctor immediately. Getting timely supportive treatment can help reduce symptoms and save lives.


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