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Harry Potter fans pick 'best' film of the series as they rank the movies from best to worst

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Most Harry Potter fans appear to be in agreement over which of the eight films ranks the highest.

In a Reddit thread, fans have been heavily discussing which is their favourite movie after one Potterhead asked followers to rank the films from best to worst. After scrolling through the thread, there's one film that seems to come out on top.

While it isn't the favourite for everyone, the majority of fans seem to favour Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban the most. This is the film they believe to be the best out of them all.

This is the third film in the series and follows Harry as he investigates Sirius Black, whom he believes is a murderer and one of Lord Voldemort's allies.


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In this film we're introduced to Professor Lupin, the Dementors and Peter Pettigrew for the first time. For many, it might be the first film where things really start to get interesting.

One of the most iconic moments from the books and films is when Ron is dragged into the Shrieking Shack by Sirius in his animagus form. Harry and Hermione follow them and it's during that scene we discover Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew and Sirius is one of the good ones.

Another film that had several fans claiming it to be their favourite was the Half-Blood Prince and quite a few said Order of the Phoenix was their least favourite. Coming in a close second for many was the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

In another Reddit thread discussing why the third film is the best, one fan said: "PoA [Prisoner of Azkaban] has long been my favourite movie but probably not for the best reasons. I do like the acting, the cinematography, the atmosphere, but I also love Gary Oldman, and I think it's the most "adventury".


"It's where the story begins to transition into a darker, more adult mode, bit still retains a pretty light hearted attitude about most of the story."

While another added: "Definitely, it's very cinematic, with long camera shots and great angles. I just wish it included the Marauder's backstory."

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