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TISS pro-VC to be interim head of Gokhale Institute

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PUNE: Shankar Das , pro-vice-chancellor at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, has been appointed interim vice-chancellor (VC) of Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics ( GIPE ) with effect from Sept 22.

GIPE chancellor Bibek Debroy said since the senior-most professor at the institute refused to take charge, Das was appointed interim VC.

"As per UGC rules, if the pro-VC is unavailable, the chancellor shall appoint the senior-most professor who shall perform the duties of the VC, until a new VC assumes office, as the case may be," Debroy said in a letter dated Sept 15 to GIPE registrar Col Kapil Jodh.

"... I requested Prof Deepak Shah. Unfortunately, he refused. Therefore, Das will be the interim VC of GIPE with effect from Sept 22," Debroy said. On Sept 14, GIPE removed noted economist Ajit Ranade as its VC ending months of controversy over his appointment after claims that he did not fulfil the eligibility criteria related to teaching experience. tnn

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